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atomicandnuclearphysicssnghoshalpdf1721 · SIM COMPELLING ーァー 2.67 · Massie Rokotashttp. 📴👜📦. ┭┐。 └┐。2015-10-02 08:41, edited 2015-10-02 13:26 by AlecM

Hello, there is a new client update coming out with the next update.

What should you expect in it:

– support for the B-up, C-up, and B-down keys for volume control

– option to share your screen to the host computer

– changes to the interface to simplify it

– changes to how shields work in general

– some minor improvements in general

– new vehicles

– new weapons

– new team dynamic

– new game rules

– some small bug fixes

– add in game screen audio controls

– some more polish

Specific changes in this update:

B-up, C-up, B-down support for volume control

Option to share your screen with the host computer

Interface changes to make it simpler

Changes to how shields work

Some small improvements

New vehicles

New weapons

New team dynamic

Some minor improvements

Some small bug fixes

Add in game audio controls

Some more polish

Discuss it here


– Added the ability to go to a mini-game when you are dead ( or close enough to it )

– Added the ability to go to a match when you are dead ( or close enough to it )

– Added audio controls to the game screen

– Now when you get killed, you get gold and blue medal instead of blue and gold

– Added a new banner for each team


– Strelok and Argo are back

– Strelok’s new voice line

– Added voice lines for Argo

– Added voice lines for a few other new vehicles


– Dogs are now meant to be harder to shoot

– Ammo count

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