AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Crack Full Version [32|64bit]


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AutoCAD Crack [2022-Latest]

The primary objective of AutoCAD Free Download is to design and produce drawings and technical documentation. AutoCAD is used for architectural and engineering design, computer aided drafting, 3D modeling, mechanical drafting and the making of engineering and architectural models. The free version of AutoCAD is generally limited to one drawing in a drawing set. However, a license may be purchased that allows an unlimited number of drawings in that set, or a preset number of drawings. Drawings and engineering documentation (technical drawings) are designed using the 2D drafting tools of AutoCAD. The major components of AutoCAD are:

AutoCAD starts with a template which is then modified. The template is the background of the drawing and is usually a rectangle. The template can be in the top or bottom panel of the workspace. The template can be rotated and sized. A new drawing may be opened from a template, or an existing one may be opened from a file or cloud storage.

The main view area is the area within which you will draw the geometry. The view area can be resized and cropped and textured (made transparent). Once a design is drawn, the drawing can be scaled or rotated. If you hold down the space bar, the mouse can be used to move around the design.

The drawing tools are used to draw geometric shapes (lines, arcs, circles, rectangles, polygons, splines, surfaces, etc.) and to make cuts. These tools can be activated using the main menu bar, the ribbon and the dropdown tool box menu. The drawing tools menu box provides the most commonly used commands. The drawing tools include line, arc, circle, rectangle, polygon, spline, loft and loft/edit. You can change the line color, line width and line style. The arc and circle tools also have tool tips and are selectable, colorable and zoomable.

The drawing tools drop down menu box provides additional drawing functions. The following menus are available and can be accessed using the standard keyboard keys or the standard menu bar: Text, Data, View, Home, Coordinates, Properties, Windows, AutoCAD Civil, Dimensioning, Graphics, Camera and Plot. The items in this menu can be toggled on or off using the icon in the ribbon menu, but not from the standard keyboard.

The ribbon allows access to other drawing tools, as well as to the standard menu. The ribbon has three primary functions:

AutoCAD Crack (Latest)

Tools and features
Autodesk released AutoCAD R14 in July 2017, with a refreshed user interface and new features. AutoCAD is the only commercial architectural 3D CAD program to support true collaborative 3D drawing and a user interface that can be easily used with a tablet device.

AutoCAD 2018 was first released in October 2016. It added the following:

Revit Lite support for accessing the Revit portion of the 2018 software release
Ability to save and open files in the native.DWG format with the 2017 R14 release
Increased capability in the drafting surface selection and aligning tools
New reference grid, snap option, and grid-calculator tools
New layer and mask tools in the shading tools palette
“Universal” editing tools that can be used for text, block, line, arrow, arc, circle, and curve
Improvements to the 2D cross-hairs
The ability to edit layouts
“3D crosshairs” option in the 3D window that let users create a 3D crosshair tool at the start of a new drawing. This tool allows users to create an invisible crosshair that does not move with the drawing or the camera
As a collaborative drawing program, AutoCAD 2018 has an improved user interface for working with layers. AutoCAD 2018 has a “pin icon” that is used to indicate a layer is pinned to an element. If a pin icon is located on an element in the drawing, the pin is removed by clicking the pin icon with the mouse. A pin can be removed only from an element for which the pin icon is displayed. An added feature for layer editing is the ability to select multiple layers by holding the CTRL key while clicking on a layer. This allows a user to move and rotate multiple layers at once.

See also
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk 3ds Max
Autodesk Revit
Autodesk Fusion 360
Autodesk Inventor
Autodesk Civil 3D
Autodesk Inventor 2018
Autodesk Revit Architecture
Autodesk Dimension
Autodesk Vectric Vrse
Autodesk AutoCAD


Further reading

External links

Category:Computer-aided design software
Category:Companies based in San Rafael, California
Category:Software companies based in the San Francisco Bay Area
Category:Software companies established in 1982
Category:1982 establishments in California

AutoCAD Crack + Keygen Full Version [Updated-2022]

If you already have the program installed, you can activate it in the
program itself.

If you don’t have the program installed and want to install it, please
download it from the following link.

If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, please right click on the
icon and select the “Run as administrator”.

Use the program according to the following steps:

1. Firstly, select the project to generate a key.

2. Secondly, click on the “Submit the request”.

3. Select a template to generate the key.

4. Finally, you will get a request id and a key.

If the request failed, or you just want to make sure what happens, you
can check the following log file


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the [Feedback]( center.

December 8, 2016

November 19, 2016

The quarterfinals of the national Softball Association Holiday Ball Championship Tournament begin on Wednesday, December 7. Matchup time is 4 p.m. Central, and the doubles finals are scheduled for 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 10.

The Florida Championship Softball Association Tournament will begin Thursday, December 8, and runs until Sunday, December 11. Click HERE for info and schedule.

The 2016-17 NCAA Division III baseball season has opened with over 1,500 college softball players preparing for the season, and this first weekend is busy with some of those early season ballgames. As of Saturday, a total of 23 teams had a record, and 42 had won their first games. More info is available HERE.Indigenous youth are being shut out of the start of a new Australian cricket season as Cricket Australia (CA) dismisses a lawsuit to allow 12 indigenous players into the Sheffield Shield next month.

Indigenous Australians make up 2.5% of the country’s population, yet they remain severely under-represented at the highest level of Australian cricket. Credit:Glenn Hunt

The class action lawsuit against the national governing body was being heard in the Federal Court, but will be thrown out without trial, after CA argued it had done all it could to provide opportunities for the Indigenous players.

It was intended as the first of a number

What’s New In AutoCAD?

View, edit and fix broken markings or artwork without requiring a separate repair tool. (video: 1:50 min.)

Update a revision in the design document without restarting your session. (video: 1:50 min.)

Quickly and easily prepare AutoCAD drawings for presentation or printing. Export to PDF, DWF, PNG or AI (video: 2:30 min.).

Prepare drawings for presentation. Display or reduce the size of annotation and scale information with the Annotation Visibility tool. (video: 2:00 min.)

Filter the drawing area to restrict user actions and display or hide objects and layers to help focus attention on the areas you want users to see or edit. (video: 1:00 min.)

Deliver video and panoramic images to remote users. Deliver high-quality graphics to remote clients or users, including JPEG and TIFF (video: 1:00 min.).

Upload or sync images from a folder or disk to a server for remote access. (video: 1:00 min.)

Store designs for rapid access. Store settings for reuse in the future (for example, to edit designs that have already been created). (video: 1:00 min.)

Software Updates:

HDR support:

AutoCAD now allows you to work with HDR images, which are extremely bright and realistic. When images are created or edited in AutoCAD, the output files will include the HDR information so users can view and edit HDR images. You can display HDR images in the HDR Display Settings dialog box or the HDR Viewer dialog box. (video: 0:50 min.)

Multi-display support:

For the first time, AutoCAD offers support for several monitors. Multiple monitors allow you to work on a drawing from different places while viewing or editing the same drawing simultaneously. (video: 0:50 min.)

Project E-signature support:

In AutoCAD, you can save your digital signature on drawings, layers or features in order to validate the authenticity of your drawings. In addition, you can use AutoCAD to create personalized signatures that are unique to the user who creates or modifies the drawings. (video: 1:00 min.)

Animation control:

Faster mouse control enables you to move the mouse in increments of 2 px (100 microns). (video: 0:

System Requirements:

Graphics: Intel HD 4000
Storage: 16 GB
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Software: Microsoft Office 2010/2013/2016
Other: USB, SD card or DVD drive, Windows 10, DirectX 11
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