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This article is part of the Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 Ultimate Guide, a complete guide covering the new 2018 software release. Download the guide as a PDF and ebook.

AutoCAD Editor and Package Explorer

The AutoCAD program can be used as a traditional desktop CAD program or as a drawing creation tool for Windows-based applications. To perform both types of work, you need a version of AutoCAD that supports Windows. The 2018 version can do either.

The 2018 version includes new AutoCAD features to help you create, edit, and save drawings and models. These are described in the next two sections. To learn more about these features and how they are integrated into the 2018 program, see the AutoCAD 2018 Overview.

AutoCAD Layout

In AutoCAD, you can create a drawing by starting with an empty drawing or a drawing template (see Templates in this section), and you can populate it with objects, text, and more. You can then design an entire drawing at once, or you can add and edit objects one at a time.

To create a drawing in the 2018 version of AutoCAD, you start by choosing Layout from the main menu. When you select the layout tool, you get the following main layout options:

Design. This option enables you to view the drawing or model as it will look when you finish designing it. You can perform a range of actions on the current view, and you can choose one of several default views.

View. This option enables you to view the drawing or model as it currently appears, without making any changes.

Annotate. This option enables you to add or edit annotations to a drawing.

Edit. This option enables you to edit, annotate, and annotate to a drawing.

Modify. This option enables you to edit a drawing.

View Model. This option enables you to switch from the view of a 2D model to the 3D model of a 3D drawing.

If you prefer, you can select one of the options available from the Layout View tab (for example, Design View), and you can perform the same tasks in each view.

The Layout tool is used to create a new AutoCAD drawing or edit an existing one. You can use it in the following ways:

To create a new drawing. Start by choosing Layout from the main menu. Then select either Create New Drawing

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Autodesk Exchange App
AutoCAD Exchange
Autodesk Exchange AutoCAD plugin
Autodesk Exchange iPad
Autodesk Exchange Android
Autodesk Exchange API
Autodesk Exchange API v2
Autodesk Exchange API v3
AutoCAD Exchange API v4

In 2010, Autodesk launched AutoCAD Exchange, an online service that allows users to upload CAD files to a secure online cloud, and then download them as if they were on the local desktop. It is only available to registered users of AutoCAD 2010 or later, and not to AutoCAD LT users. Autodesk Exchange also enables the use of AutoCAD’s exchange format (DXF) to import and export data directly to and from many other file formats. It is integrated with Autodesk’s other cloud services, such as DWG360. It is also supported on iPad and Android.

In 1994, a team at Autodesk developed the first version of AutoCAD. After its release, the first round of application programming interfaces (APIs) was implemented by programmers who wanted to write add-on applications for the software. This first generation of APIs were used to build the first official AutoCAD Add-on: Drawings. AutoCAD Add-on adds one or more AutoCAD commands and a drawing environment within the AutoCAD software environment. The team also built an API to enable external applications to communicate with AutoCAD. The first API implementation was written in AutoLISP.

In 1994, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates met and discussed how to use Microsoft’s Office software to generate engineering drawings. Microsoft decided to build an office suite for the Apple II computer and released Microsoft Office in January, 1995. In 1998, Autodesk developed a new API to expose the functions and methods of AutoCAD to non-Autodesk software. This new API was called Visual LISP (VLISP), allowing it to be used by non-autodesk software such as CorelDRAW. Visual LISP software was released with AutoCAD X.

In 2000, the first version of the first version of the VBA application programming interface (API) was implemented.

In 2005, Autodesk released AutoCAD 2007 to run on Windows Vista. In addition, the Windows Vista operating system includes a limited version of AutoCAD X. The interface for the AutoCAD VBA has been

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1. The Program cannot be used for more than 1 connection at the same time.
2. To use Autodesk Autocad,you must be in administrator/root on your computer.
3. By using this software,your license will expire!
4. You must activate the software once every 30 days to continue working.

5. To use the keygen,you must be in a PC with the following software:

– Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 ( 32-bit )
– Autodesk Autocad, 3Dstudio 2014, 2017, 2020 (32-bit)

6. This software is a trial version, and its original price.
7. You must be the administrator/root on your computer to activate the software.
8. This software is not affiliated with any company.
9. Autodesk is the copyright holder of the keygen, the original material is copyrighted.
10. You cannot resell, give or distribute the software or get any support.
11. You must have a right to use the original software.

12. By using the keygen you agree to this rules.
13. If you do not agree with the rules,please use the original software.

14. If you have an problem with this software,please leave a comment on this page or send me an email.

– CarlosQ:

What are these pipes under my kitchen sink?

I bought this sink a few years ago (I think) and there are these pipes under the sink that I can’t figure out. I have always just used the drain pipe and the drain pipe on the bottom.
I’ve looked it up and I think they are called “crossties”? I’m not sure if that’s the correct word, but I think it’s close enough.
I have never seen these, but I think I need to replace the whole thing.


Those are flanges for a drain pipe. The vertical pipe goes into the drainpipe and the horizontal goes to the drain.
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What’s New In?


Transpose any view or object in a drawing. Drag the selected object to the new position and the objects are automatically updated. Transposed objects can be connected with snapping or offsetting. Transposed objects can be put on a new layer and are also connected and offset as a new drawing element.


Configure and run advanced models in a snap. New axes options include scaling and renaming. You can customize the user interface with your preferred window size and position.

Rendering and Video:

With AutoCAD 2023, you can export to a wide range of 3D file types, including.obj,.jpg,.ply,.avi, and.mts. Export to.3ds (.zip) or.flt files. The new multi-channel export capability enables you to render and export a single file containing all channels for a complete output.

Vector Line Style Enhancements:

Use the new direct line style editing in Vector or Block line styles. Edit line width, weight, fill, and cap settings directly. Add an area fill to any line style, or change the fill pattern in the style properties. For more information, see Vector Line Style Enhancements.

Full-Fidelity Grass Shading:

Add realistic, full-fidelity grass shading to your drawings. Increase the fidelity of your greenery with new options for specularity, grass distribution, and leaf drop.

Lighting and HDR:

Give your designs a more realistic look with the latest lighting options. New lighting features include lighting profiles, depth of field, ambient occlusion, and fog.

The XRC extension includes new AutoLISP functions for adding color and pattern fill to lines and text. XRC commands also enable you to add an image to the command menu, set a dynamic option, and set a pattern and color in the LISP editor.

New features in the 3D Modeling and 3D printing tools:

A new 3D printing previewer with advanced controls is now available. Use the new 3D previewer to instantly rotate, zoom, and scale any 3D model or object to create print-ready previews for both desktop and mobile devices. You can also use the new previewer to view your models as a video stream and send them as an email or.mp4 file.

The 3D Modeling tools

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7 64bit, Windows Vista 64bit, Windows XP 64bit
Processor: 2.0 GHz Intel or AMD CPU
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 1 GB Video RAM (DirectX®9.0c compatible)
DirectX: 9.0c compatible
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Memory: 2 GB

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