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The main components of AutoCAD are the 2D drafting application itself, the 3D solid and surface modeling toolset, and a database of existing objects called the drawing database.


Autodesk AutoCAD was initially released in December 1982, after two years of work on the product.

The original product was called 2D Drafting for the Apple II, a desktop version of AutoCAD. The first release of AutoCAD was not an easy process; it was available for free but it was limited to a single drawing style (drafting).

In May 1983, the first release of AutoCAD was more fully featured; it was available for Apple II, Apple II+ (now Apple IIe) and IBM PC computers. The product included only the drafting features; the finished models were created by separate drawing and modeling tools such as Programma 2000 and Unified Modeling Language, which was a predecessor to the widely used UML.

In September 1983, Autodesk began offering AutoCAD to users of the PC-XT, a small desktop computer. In the following year, AutoCAD was also introduced to users of the IBM PC/AT.

In September 1985, the AutoCAD Rev 2 software package introduced the first user-defined drawing tools. This was followed by Rev 2.1 the following year, which included the ability to generate 3D solids using the wireframe modeling tool.

Version History

AutoCAD 3D Modeling

AutoCAD introduced the concept of “interactive model”. Any change to a part of the model would be reflected on all other drawings based on that part, making it possible to have an “as-designed” model or a “as-built” model. This made it easy to ensure that the drawings match.

This feature is no longer available in AutoCAD 3D modeling.

Autodesk AutoCAD Rev. 3 introduced the ability to create 3D models using surface editing and the power to produce highly detailed models with its support of massive data storage and powerful computing. AutoCAD 3D has also been supported for most of its lifetime by a network of centers of excellence around the world, called Autodesk Labs, that offer 3D modeling and rendering services to customers.

Comparison of software versions

The table below shows the main features of AutoCAD versions, including those available for mobile devices and web

AutoCAD License Key Full

The Team Viewer community is thriving with forums, chatrooms, and an easy-to-use IRC. TeamViewer is a remote desktop program that can be used by people to join the same desktop as a remote machine. Users can install it on Windows and Linux computers and share their screen over the Internet, and use various functions such as file transfers, clipboard sharing, computer control, access to Windows shell utilities, Internet access, and chat.

Older features

In addition to its software products, Autodesk also provides services including Autodesk Rendering and Media, Autodesk Certification, Autodesk Interactive Media, Autodesk Tinkercad, Autodesk Vault, Autodesk Mobile app, Autodesk Insider, Autodesk Blender, Autodesk Unreal Engine, Autodesk Media and Entertainment, Autodesk Data Systems, Autodesk Parametric, Autodesk Movia, Autodesk Collections, Autodesk Vault, and Autodesk Plugins for Mozilla Firefox.

Autodesk has also released several iOS applications. In April 2012, Autodesk collaborated with Intel to release “Autodesk Fusion 360.” This application allows architects, engineers, and designers to collaborate on multi-disciplinary projects using Microsoft Windows, Mac, iOS and Android platforms.


Autodesk competes with 3D design software makers such as Dassault Systemes, Siemens PLM Software, and Trimble, among others. In July 2011, Autodesk announced a strategic partnership with Siemens PLM Software, Inc., a major software provider for the engineering and manufacturing industries, to develop and deliver next-generation Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions. In August 2011, Autodesk and Dassault Systemes announced a collaboration to combine 3D design capabilities with cloud-based PLM, to help organizations better manage their product development processes. In September 2011, Autodesk and Siemens PLM Software, Inc., announced a new joint development initiative to combine 3D design capabilities with cloud-based PLM, to help organizations better manage their product development processes. In October 2011, Autodesk and Trimble formed a collaboration to combine 3D design capabilities with cloud-based PLM, to help organizations better manage their product development processes. In March 2013, Autodesk and Siemens announced a strategic partnership to combine 3D design capabilities with cloud-based PLM, to help organizations better manage their product development processes.

AutoCAD [Mac/Win]

If you’re using the new version which doesn’t have the license
key, find the file with the network address which is hidden
somewhere in your C:\ drive and open it. The file which should
appear in this location is named “autocad.lic”. Find the line
which says “Version : ” and put in the version of Autocad
you’re using, i.e. 2013. Save the file.

When you’re done, copy and paste it into your activation
tool. If you do not have an activation tool, go to Autodesk
Download Center.

If you’re using the old version, go to the Autocad Downloads
page. You can get the version of Autocad you’re using by
clicking the “Hardware” tab and then the button next to the
version which says “Version : ” After you’ve copied the file,
go to Autodesk Download Center and activate it there.

P.S. I don’t have a clue why Autodesk insists on making their
product a million times more complicated than it has to be.

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What’s New In?

With Markup Assist, you can read over documents, exchange wireframes and specs, and even talk with customers and vendors. You can even capture drawings on mobile devices, and make annotations to your designs.

Built-in 3D Preview and Analysis Tools:

Preview your 3D models and share them in real time. Analyze your models to determine if they comply with regulatory or compliance requirements. (video: 3:46 min.)

Help your coworkers collaborate quickly. Easily open existing models and your peers’ changes from the past. Better enable them to share their ideas as soon as they have them.

Better, Smarter Storyboards:

Make storyboards more intuitive and easier to read. Create connected storyboards that take you from high-level concept to detailed design. A new Layout Visual Editor makes drawing storyboards easy. (video: 1:15 min.)

Design longer-lasting and more effective interfaces. Create individual objects in layered views, not just a single layer. (video: 2:37 min.)

Drawing and Engineering Tools for Artists, Designers and Engineers:

Be more productive by interacting with your project at the pixel level. Enhance your design tools with new physics-based properties. (video: 3:14 min.)

Add real-time dimensioning to your designs. Use trace-driven dimensions, auto-detect geometric relationships, and create accurate dimensions in the right format.

New 2D Drafting Tools:

Use new tools to speed up your design workflow. New stroke, pattern and fill tools help you create complex shapes faster. (video: 1:30 min.)

Collaborate on long-term 2D projects with rapid content-sharing. Create cohesive diagrams quickly by sharing just one central source file.

Improved Project Navigation:

Make navigating your project easier than ever. Get to the drawings you need quickly, no matter how many are in the project. Move and copy drawings to other projects, folders and other documents without leaving your project. (video: 2:02 min.)

Share a single project file across different media, environments and platforms, such as mobile, in-browser and offline. (video: 1:30 min.)

New Drawing Tools:

Easily make changes to your existing drawings. Use the new Property Inspector and the Object Exporter to modify existing objects in your drawings. (video: 1:54 min

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP (SP3) or newer
Processor: Intel or AMD with a 64-bit CPU and 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with at least 1024 x 768 resolution
Hard Drive: 8 GB free space
Additional Notes: Windows 7 users are not supported. Games sold by Electronic Arts are subject to publisher specific terms of use and software licenses, see for more information. The PC version of EA Sports™ NHL® 19 is available in North America for PlayStation® 4,

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