Cours D Hydraulique Agricole.pdf

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Cours D Hydraulique Agricole.pdf Description: Cours D Hydraulique Agricole.pdf. Container. OverviewTags.
curso de agricultura, carteiras de arvorednica, Ordenança de acessos a. Iguaçu, Curso de Agricultura. Iguaçu. In:.Randomized clinical trial comparing the outcome of 2 single-tooth implant restorations in maxilla and mandible.
Clinical studies evaluating the outcome of single-implant restorations in the anterior region have been discussed controversially. The aim of this multicentric controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the survival and success of immediate implant-supported single crowns and fixed bridge restorations supporting mandibular and maxillary single teeth. Patients with evidence of decay, trauma, or tooth loss in the anterior region of the maxilla or mandible were enrolled in the present study. Baseline examination and placement of titanium fixtures were performed 6 months after tooth extraction. A custom abutment was made for each case to obtain an optimal oral hygiene. Dental implants were loaded 4 weeks after fixture placement. Clinical examinations were performed at baseline and after 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60 months. Pertinent data were analyzed using a test statistic (P


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