CrosswordJet Crack Activation Code With Keygen Free Download For Windows









CrosswordJet Crack + Free Download

* Professional crossword-construction tool
* Generate and solve crosswords online
* Generate crosswords from predefined themes
* Construct and organize your own crosswords
* Generate and solve crossword puzzles with different difficulty levels
* Drag and drop fields to build puzzles
* Create, edit, save and print crossword puzzles
* Undo and redo changes in puzzles
* Track your time in solving puzzles
* Configure crossword fields
* Edit crossword templates
* Search words from the dictionary
* Search words in the word list
* Print crosswords as PDF, JPEG, PNG or SVG
* Export to a wide variety of file formats
* Show synonyms and antonyms in the dictionary
* Configure word filtering to narrow down your search
* Save files as prepackaged puzzle templates
* Easily exclude words from your next crossword
* Shortcuts to open, copy, paste and undo fields
* Hide or unhide crossword cells
* Import and export words from the dictionary
* Insert, swap, select and delete words
* Turn words into acronyms and hyphenate words
* Convert list of words into a list of characters
* Configure hyphenation
* Type words with hyphens at the beginning or end of words
* Generate random words
* Generate new words of defined length
* Define length of words
* Find similar words in the dictionary
* Generate pseudonyms
* Type words in different languages
* Make words look like this, this or this
* Generate chess-words
* With CrosswordJet Activation Code you can build professional crosswords
* Browse and create crosswords in the cloud
* Install the app on your Windows Phone
* Print crosswords as PDF, JPG, PNG or SVG
* Add sounds to words
* Set aside time to work on crosswords
* Use the app when you are on the go
* Import crossword hints and solutions from text file
* Use the app even if you are offline
* Note! CrosswordJet Free Download does not require any other applications
* Watch the tutorial video
* The app is optimized for the most powerful phones
* See all the features in the video
* See the App details at AppStore


This update includes PlaceSearch, which brings many features to the Windows Phone 7 Places SDK. PlaceSearch includes searching of places by name, address, phone number

CrosswordJet Serial Key (April-2022)

– Generate new crosswords.
– Edit crossword (search/replace) and save to file.
– Export to Excel, HTML, XML, PDF or RTF.
– Import from Excel, HTML, XML, PDF or RTF.
– Manage your own crossword knowledge base and dictionaries using the database engine.

Crossword Jet is an application for creating and solving crosswords.
You can create a new crossword, edit a crossword, export it to Word or Excel, and show the list of words, crossword clues and answers in the editor.
Crossword Jet Description:
– Generate new crosswords.
– Edit crossword (search/replace) and save to file.
– Export to Excel, HTML, XML, PDF or RTF.
– Import from Excel, HTML, XML, PDF or RTF.
– Manage your own crossword knowledge base and dictionaries using the database engine.

CrosswordJet For Windows 10 Crack is a program designed to generate crosswords. It has a unique feature: you don’t need to know the words, clues and answers in order to create and solve crosswords.
CrosswordJet Description:
– Generate new crosswords.
– Edit crossword (search/replace) and save to file.
– Export to Excel, HTML, XML, PDF or RTF.
– Import from Excel, HTML, XML, PDF or RTF.
– Manage your own crossword knowledge base and dictionaries using the database engine.

CrosswordJet is an application for creating and solving crosswords.
You can create a new crossword, edit a crossword, export it to Word or Excel, and show the list of words, crossword clues and answers in the editor.
CrosswordJet Description:
– Generate new crosswords.
– Edit crossword (search/replace) and save to file.
– Export to Excel, HTML, XML, PDF or RTF.
– Import from Excel, HTML, XML, PDF or RTF.
– Manage your own crossword knowledge base and dictionaries using the database engine.

CrosswordJet is an application for creating and solving crosswords.
You can create a new crossword, edit a crossword, export it to Word or Excel, and show the list of words, crossword clues and answers in the editor.


The crossword created with it can be stored on a USB thumb drive, printed, exported to HTML or printed.

It supports screen reader and several major browsers

There is no need to install anything, it works with browser plug-ins and it can be activated from the page, making it super easy to use.

CrosswordJet’s functionality can be further expanded through CrosswordJet Pro. CrosswordJet Pro is a premium version of CrosswordJet with additional tools to enhance crossword creation process.

CrosswordJet provides a wide variety of different ways to export the crossword. From CrosswordJet it is possible to export the crossword in several formats. The export can be done to PDF, TXT, HTML or XML. You can also export the crossword to a account if your account has all the necessary permissions.

Both the regular and premium versions of CrosswordJet are available from CrosswordJet’s website.

Functionality list

Auto-suggest the words

4 different test mode types, i.e. Classic, Stone, Word and Puzzle

Dictionary of 150 000 words and clues (PDF version is included)

Possibility of importing words from Clues (the built-in dictionary is not included)

No need for registration, can be activated simply with the crossword page URL or by the mobile app

Export the crossword to HTML, PDF, TXT or XML

A crossword can be exported directly to a account (requires all the permissions to be enabled)

Generates several test crosswords to be able to choose the one that suits your needs

Various colours and styles for the crossword words

Ability to specify the number of grid spaces between crosswords in a multi-page crossword

Ability to specify the number of answers (numbers of boxes) in a multi-page crossword

Ability to choose between the following multi-page layout types:

Crossword-style layout

Colon-style layout

Variable (in the first page the number of boxes is the same, but in the following pages it changes)

Ability to arrange crosswords in a random layout

Ability to specify the sort order (A-Z or Z-A) of the words in the crossword

Previewing the crosswords

Ability to specify the font type (only Arial, Times New Roman or Cal

What’s New in the?

*Create, store, modify, print and send crosswords
*Create different word lists for American, Swedish and British crosswords
*Create, modify, print and send crosswords with an offset for each problem, so you can easily add or remove problems from your crosswords
*Built in dictionary for a lot of words
*Create different solutions, sorting by difficulty and lexical order
*Create clues for hints and make sure that you find a way to the solution
*Built in thesaurus
*Upload new images, sounds, font and any other files
*Multi-line and image editing support
*Multiple undo and redo
*Find the fastest, shortest path between two points, including the calculations.
*Save wordlists, custom crosswords, personal settings and colors
*Save, send and print crosswords
*Multi-language support: English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Turkish, Russian and Dutch
*Saving and printing several crosswords at once
*Watermark and background support for the fonts and images
*Find a crossword’s grid coordinates
*Built in template editor
*Direct connection to the Microsoft Excel via ODBC
*Communication with the PC from CrosswordJet is possible using.NET Remoting.
*A user can open the application and start the crossword manually in the background
*Multiplatform support: Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
*Support for the renaming and compression of the files
*Built in “Add to favorites” menu
*Built in help window
*Built in viewer for the files
*Cursor control
*CrosswordJet can be used to create a puzzle and get the missing words in an external reference program.
*Built in game for random and solver crosswords.
You can find CrosswordJet at:
For more information about CrosswordJet, please visit our website:


This is what I did on a searchable pdf on Google Play:

System Requirements For CrosswordJet:

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows 7/8 (64-bit)
Windows 10 (64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
Windows 7 (64-bit)
Vista (64-bit)
2.2 GHz Multi-Core Processor
2.5 GHz Single-Core Processor
2.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor
3.0 GHz Quad-Core Processor
3.2 GHz Quad-Core Processor

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