Delphi Compiler Generator







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Delphi Compiler Generator Product Key is an application for creation of projects for
the Delphi Compiler Generator (DCG). It is composed by two parts. The
first part is the project creation tool which creates the project,
which consists of the project file and the source files. The second
part is the main application which the results of the creation of the
project will be listed and used.

Read more about Delphi Compiler Generator at:


For creating documentation for a project that you want to publish in Visual Studio you can use the Delphi Code Analysis report documenter to generate all the required documentation such as PDR, API, Reflection, etc.
This includes code documentation, similar to the Delphi XE3 documentation.
You need the Delphi Code Analysis report documenter from here
The DCCRC uses a Database configuration file to specify the SQL Server database to generate the report.
Here is the database configuration file that we created for our DCCRC project.


In the XE3 version (and maybe earlier versions as well) I was able to create documentation for a project using the IDE’s documentation builder. I believe this can be found in the addins folder:

In a New York Times interview, journalist Nicholas Kristof argues that to spend money to alleviate poverty, we should simply pay people more for their work.

When we look at how to help the poor, we should think about boosting the incomes of the poor. Not about extending food stamps, temporary cash payments, or cheap housing. We should be talking about pay and not just about the “safety net.” And we should be using some of the trillions of dollars spent on the military and the drug war to pay people a living wage and get food on their tables.

There is good reason to think about whether to spend on military budgets when fighting poverty. We have a track record for using military spending to prop up poor people. But that is not the real issue here. The real issue is whether we should put money into the hands of the poor or into the hands of

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Keymacro is a Keyword search and replace library for Delphi and is now included as part of the ZLib package. Keymacro is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the standard TStrings type of class, replacing it with a Keyword version. Thus the Keywords replace the Strings, when you work with them in the VCL or with other programs.
Typically, when you write some source code you use Strings for specifying words, which you later replace with the new, dictionary word. When you use the Keywords the dictionary is fully embedded into the application (as a component). If you need a word in the middle of your source code (for example a regular expression keyword), you can just use the Keyword instead of a String.
You can define your own keywords and you can customize the Keywords for your project. This makes it possible to create your own specialized Keywords or to add new Keywords and TStrings to the existing set of Keywords.
Keywords will be found in the Keywords.dpk package, which comes with Delphi. You can install the package by using the Install Keywords menu option. You can also build the Keywords.ppu package which consists of the pre-defined Keywords.
In version 2.00 there was added some more delphi-functions for using properties and the new function SetProperty($Index$, $Prop$, $NewValue$) makes it possible to set one of these properties.
The $Index$ variable contains the index of the property you want to set, as an Integer.
The $Prop$ variable contains the Name of the property.
The $NewValue$ variable contains the new Value of the property.
To use the basic functions of the Keymacro class, you can use the following example:
uses Keymacro;

TKeyword = class
property Keyword: string read FKeyword write SetKeyword;

FKeyword: string;

// This is the main function of the Keymacro class
function SetKeyword(Index, Prop, NewValue: string): string;
var KeywordStr: string;
// Get the keyword from the index
KeywordStr := FindKeyword(Index);
// Assign the new Value to the property

Delphi Compiler Generator

Delphi Compiler Generator is an application that will create projects from
text files. Projects are of two kinds: DCG projects and DCG books. For
a more detailed description about DCG and DCG books see the
documentation at the end of the file.

By means of DCG you can create your own project or generate a specific project file. You can create your own projects by combining elements from books, and all files can be placed into projects (and used for compilation) using a single command.
When a project is compiled, all the files are placed into the same directory and placed
into the same folder in the Delphi installation directory. This folder can be created
in advance or later using the DCG GUI.

Tutorials for creating your own project:

Books and Projects
Placing Files
Compiling your project
Creating and running your project
Creating your own project from text files
Creating your own project from program files
Using the new editor

In addition DCG is a useful tool to create projects from various command line tools. The command line parameters have been documented in the documentation file of DCG and more information about how to use DCG with command line tools can be found on the tool’s website.

Project files in DCG:
A project file in DCG consists of several different kinds of elements, for example there can be a description of the project which are used to tell the Delphi Compiler Generator about the project. Additionally there are two kinds of files: one which contains the source code of the project and one which contains the compiled project files. The file with the source code is usually named as such.
There are two project types which can be created by means of DCG: DCG books and DCG projects. For creating a project use the DCG wizard or run the “Create Project…” command. The wizard will ask you to enter your project name, and then you are given a list of books to choose from. By selecting the first book a wizard will show you and you will be asked to choose a location for your project. The location is used as the directory where your project’s files are to be placed. The other books are then added by using the wizard.
DCG books:
DCG books are folders which contain descriptions of projects. These descriptions are used by the Delphi Compiler Generator to create projects. Using the wizard the wizard will ask you to choose a

What’s New in the Delphi Compiler Generator?

DCG is a tool that translates lexical scanner and grammar into an executable DLL which is used as a component in a Delphi project. DCG allows you to create lexical and grammatical scanners, parsers, tools, and more.

A lexical scanner scans a text document line by line and provides you with a string or a numeric value which represents the content of the line. A Grammar is a description of the language that you want to use. Grammars contain several parts.

A Lexical grammar describes the syntax and semantics of the language.

Parser definition describes how you want to create a grammar out of the grammar definition. The parser definition allows you to define which of the lexemes to recognize and how to parse the string the parser works with.

Tool Definition: describes how to create an application out of a definition for a lexical scanner or a parser.

A Project Definition is a collection of Tool Definitions and Lexical and Parser Definitions which are combined to create a project.

A Project is a collection of project definitions that can be compiled together to create an executable.


A Lexicon is an alphabetic list of word, which is accessible through the Lexicon.

A Grammar is an abstract description of the language.

Tool Definition: describes how to create an application out of a definition for a lexical scanner or a parser.

A Project Definition is a collection of Tool Definitions and Lexical and Parser Definitions which are combined to create a project.

A Project is a collection of project definitions that can be compiled together to create an executable.


Lexer Definition: An abstract description of the language that you want to create.

Parser Definition: An abstract description of the language that you want to create.

Tool Definition: describes how to create an application out of a definition for a lexical scanner or a parser.

Lexical Definition: An abstract description of the language that you want to create.

Lexical Syntax: Contains a list of Lexemes, which are the descriptions of the lexical elements.

Lexical Vocabulary: Contains the names of the lexemes.

Lexical Semantics: Contains a list of Term Definitions, which are the descriptions of the semantics of the lexical elements.

Term Definition: An abstract description of the semantic meaning of a lexical element.

Term Description: Contains a list of the semantic definitions of lexemes and their meanings.

Lexical Definition: Contains the name of the lexical element.

Lexical Vocabulary: Contains the names of the lexemes.

Lexical Syntax: Contains a list of Lexemes, which are the descriptions of the lexical elements.

Lexical Vocabulary: Contains the names of the lexemes.

System Requirements For Delphi Compiler Generator:

OS: Windows XP SP2 or later (with Service Pack 3)
Windows XP SP2 or later (with Service Pack 3) CPU: 1.6 GHz Dual-Core
1.6 GHz Dual-Core RAM: 2 GB
2 GB HDD: 40 GB
40 GB Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card (or higher) and AGP card
DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card (or higher) and AGP card Network: Broadband Internet connection
Broadband Internet connection Sound

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