Fono Original Soundtrack HACK Activation (Final 2022)



Move or Die is a social co-op war game where players fight using the real life tools of their chosen professions. The game will come with three maps for you to play on, each map a different profession, your pharmacy, your court house and your gun store. Players can be located anywhere in the world, and they can play single player or online with another person or players, making the game a totally immersive experience.

The Game:
Players will choose their profession which is represented by a map. Players must group together to complete a mission. Starting with two classes, each player can choose to be an Medic, Tech, Sniper, Engineer, Engineer, Sniper or a Warrior. Each player will have to work together with their group to complete and accomplish the mission.

The Signature System:
All soldiers and objects in Move or Die can hold and be equipped with 1 or more of 4 signatures. Each Signature has its own potential stat such as range, area of effect damage, rate of fire, movement, and reload. For example, a weapon that is Signature 8, has a Range of 5, Area of Effect Damage of 5, Max number of shots of 10, and Rate of Fire of 2. The Signature of a weapon can be increased by equipping more items of the same type, but a minimum of one signature is required in order to be able to use the weapon. Weapons and the like can be upgraded using gold, platinum and diamonds, which will be earned from doing objectives and overcoming enemy forces. Players can find pistols, rifles, submachine guns, grenades, mortars, rocket launchers, mines, healing kits and security devices. The Team Leader has a special Signature of an upgrade gun with the same stats as a regular Signature, except with a higher max number of shots. Due to its Signature, the team leader can fire using the “fireteam” feature, which allows all team members to use the gun together as one instead of individually, each firing with their own fireteam. Players can use items to boost the potential stats of their Signature, which make up its core stats. For example, by placing a Large Armor can increase the armor of your armor signature by 5% instead of 2%.

The Goal System:
Players will lose their lives and health every time they make contact with an enemy soldier, explosive, or even corpses or impostors. When players die they fall into a “miner” and will be returned to their team’s base, the “siege”, to be revived


Features Key:

  • 3D gameplay
  • Turtle grazing
  • Shrinking your herd
  • Collect the Stars
  • Solmec: Among Stars Game Description:

    Solmec, the planet of a modest sun, is unfortunate to be located in the galaxy of a doomed star, but its grasslands are gentle for grazers and savannahs. The fecund planet offers green patches of grasslands, lakes and towering mountain ranges, between the hot, rocky deserts, making this world a beautiful place to visit. The plot of lands is enormous, and all can be grassland, savannah and forest lands, where you can find yourself wandering through the deserts, breaking through the forest or catching turtles on the savannah. As there is no end to the green on this planet, no greed for land can take hold on Solmec, which is why there is no war to be waged here!

    The planets have terraformed the Scavenging Grazing lands into the lands of the Turtle grazing, Solmec’s most efficient way of living. But there is one problem, that is the predators – the best way to survive is to herd the turtles. They provide their owners with the milk, they will eat the weeds, bring back the clean air to nourish the crops. Among the rich grasslands where the energetic grazers roam free, the predators can be found, in their role as protectors and controllers, which is where the Turtles and Stars come in.

    While hunting enemy in the grasslands of Solmec, I saw a rather large turtle grazing in the meadow. As it was no fault of the turtler, the new wolf shadowed behind the turtle. I agreed with the commotion the predator made, the opener season has only just started, and both solmec am not the only place for hunting in this game. Just as I got into the process of opening the turtle, another fell saunter towards its common place. After watching the turtle react to the regrouping of the herd, I made the inclination that I would keep both the energy and the meat, and make the turtle my breakfast the next day!

    Solmec: Among Stars Game in Video: