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**RAW** You can use plug-ins available for all these platforms (except for iOS) to open. _._.r3d files. The. _._.r3d files are the _raw_ (unprocessed) files exported from the camera, as shown in Figure 3-1. Normally, you would save a. _._.cr2 file or a. _._. __.crw file. However, since those files are not natively supported in the programs we discuss in this chapter, we will simply refer to them as the. _._.r3d file format. When you open a. _._.r3d file, you will see a button to convert the file into a lossless JPEG with slight compression applied. **Figure 3-1**. _._.r3d file is a raw, uncompressed file from a digital camera. The. _._.r3d file format is not supported on all platforms, so you will need to check the usage requirements of the platform you are using to see if it accepts the. _._.r3d file. The biggest drawback to the. _._.r3d format is that it contains only the image and no metadata. Metadata consists of “notes,” such as the manufacturer of the camera, the lens, GPS location, and so on. Metadata is useful information to include when you output your photos to a website. You can use a program like PicMonkey to add metadata to images. With the. _._.r3d file, you can add metadata but it will not be preserved on the file and will not be accessible after you output the file. Most of the other files we will discuss in this chapter—even those that are natively supported—contain metadata. The. _._.r3d format is also limited in that it can’t be edited in any way. There is no way

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Analogue vs Digital: The pros and cons of using a digital photograph as opposed to a print. Analogue vs Digital: Why a digital camera is a better investment than a film camera. Analogue vs Digital: The types of memory cards you should be using. Analogue vs Digital: How an instant camera has changed the face of photography. Analogue vs Digital: Photoshop Vs Photoshop Elements. Analogue vs Digital: Using a digital camera is better than using a film camera for retouching. How to take photos on a digital camera. How to take photos with a camera. Adobe Illustrator: It is a vector graphics editor and is used for creating images. Adobe Photoshop: It is a post-production graphics editor that can be used to create images for use in graphics, web and animation. Adobe Photoshop Elements: It is used by photographers, graphic designers, web designers and indie creators. How to delete photos from a digital camera with photo recovery software. How to select a focal length. How to select a camera lens aperture setting. Selecting an aperture. Photoshop vs Adobe Photoshop Elements: Which one is better? What is Photoshop? How to use Photoshop. How to use Photoshop Elements. Which is better: Photoshop or Photoshop Elements? How to use Photoshop. How to use Photoshop Elements. Which software is better? Adobe Photoshop Elements vs Adobe Photoshop. Can a digital camera replace a DSLR? What is a DSLR camera? What is the difference between a DSLR and a regular camera? Who is a good photographer? What should a good photographer have? What is the difference between resolution and megapixels? Why is there a difference between resolution and megapixels? Which is better: Canon or Nikon? What do you have to look for in DSLR cameras? Why Canon cameras are better than Nikon. What is a good DSLR? What is good for your camera? What is good for your photography? What is good for your photography? What are the best lenses for your camera? What are the best lenses for your DSLR camera? What is a lens hood for? 05a79cecff

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The Amazon dashboard? – marvin I’m interested in the dashboard that most people use here at Amazon ( I’m developing an Amazon PHP application and wonder what type of data is collected for this. Any ideas? ====== burke —— madhouse Amazon does not release data for their internal dashboard… Digital video capabilities can be incorporated into a wide range of devices, including digital televisions, digital direct broadcast systems, wireless broadcast systems, personal digital assistants (PDAs), laptop or desktop computers, tablet computers, e-book readers, digital cameras, digital recording devices, digital media players, video gaming devices, video game consoles, cellular or satellite radio telephones, so-called “smart phones,” video teleconferencing devices, video streaming devices, and the like. Digital video devices implement video compression techniques, such as those described in the standards defined by MPEG-2, MPEG-4, ITU-T H.263, ITU-T H.264/MPEG-4, Part 10, Advanced Video Coding (AVC), the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard presently under development, and extensions of such standards. The video devices may transmit, receive, encode, decode, and/or store digital video information more efficiently by implementing such video compression techniques. Video compression techniques perform spatial (intra-picture) prediction and/or temporal (inter-picture) prediction to reduce or remove redundancy inherent in video sequences. For block-based video coding, a video slice (i.e., a video frame or a portion of a video frame) may be partitioned into video blocks, which may also be referred to as treeblocks, coding units (CUs) and/or coding nodes. Video blocks in an intra-coded (I) slice of a picture are encoded using spatial prediction with respect to reference samples in neighboring blocks in the same picture. Video blocks in an inter-coded (P or B) slice of a picture may use spatial prediction with respect to reference samples in neighboring blocks in the same picture or temporal prediction with respect to reference samples in other reference pictures. Pictures may be referred to as frames, and reference pictures may be referred to a reference frames. Spatial or temporal prediction results in a predictive block for a block to be

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Telling A3/4 Headers From Standard Headers Comprehensive A3/4 Routing Guide The process of routing headers for A3/4 printed products can be time-consuming and frustrating for most new and experienced A3/4 printers. For the most part, most G4 and G5 machines have a variety of different headings with either no labeling or a confusing and difficult-to-follow labeling system. Print product files can be converted to become A3/4 or A3/4-compliant with very little work. This article contains the information you need to create a comprehensive toolbox of A3/4 headings for your machine. Download the A3/4 PDF A3/4 Routing Process Step 1: Headers & Handlots for Current Machines (Not On Single-Purpose Machines) If the machine at your business is capable of printing both A3/4 and standard sizes, you’ll first need to locate any print product files with headings and handlots for your machine. This may include production files that print standard size headings. Sometimes files are not properly labeled for A3/4, so you’ll need to cross-reference the file names with the A3/4 sizes to determine what the file is. If the file is not labeled at all for A3/4, either it was likely created on a standard-sized printer, or has never been used for A3/4 before. Step 2: Standard Headings for Your Machine Now that you have your current print product files, you’ll need to determine which of these files contain standard headers, since these should be used for most of your print production. There are two parts to identifying standard headers: understanding what they are, and being able to locate them. G4 and G5 machines have a variety of different headings with either no labeling or a confusing and difficult-to-follow labeling system. Understanding Standard Headings The standard headers that exist on most G4 and G5 machines are custom header set features. These headers are used for various tasks including identification of folders, automated paper handling, etc. Generally, standard headers can be identified by header lines and blank lines. Standard Headers for Current Machines When your machine can print in standard sizes as well as A3/4, you can use any of the following

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