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MapInspect is a handy, easy to use application specially designed to help you with the display and comparison of genetic linkage maps, highlighting of (parts of) markernames and visualization of “tension” within linkage maps.
Note: Free for non-comercial use.







MapInspect Crack 2022 [New]

MapInspect Torrent Download is a handy, easy to use application specially designed to help you with the display and comparison of genetic linkage maps, highlighting of (parts of) markernames and visualization of “tension” within linkage maps.
MapInspect Key Features:
– Description of a marker
– Can perform a visual comparison of two linkage maps
– Can highlight and zoom (and) visualize (parts of) marker names
– Can visualize the general location of a marker on the map
– Can generate a graphical representation of the data
– Can include the option to download the generated graphic, tiff-image or excel-file
– Allows to upload files
– Can view the sequence for a marker.
– Allows to work with footnotes
– Can work with the “edges” of a graph
– Can edit a graph
– Allows to output a graph as image file (bmp, png, gif, tiff)
– Can display images
– Allows to generate a graph from the input parameters.
– Can set annotation for the markers on the map.
– Can set brightness for the annotation
– Allows to modify the layout of the output
– Allows to apply different (visual) color schemes
– Allows to save and load different maps
– Allows to activate the background grid
– Allows to apply different color palettes (color schemes)
– Allows to output a graph as image file (bmp, png, gif, tiff)
– Can work with the “edges” of a graph
– Allows to edit the graph
– Allows to output a graph as image file (bmp, png, gif, tiff)
– Allows to display images
– Allows to generate a graph from the input parameters.
– Can set annotation for the markers on the map.
– Can set brightness for the annotation
– Allows to modify the layout of the output
– Allows to apply different (visual) color schemes
– Allows to save and load different maps
– Allows to activate the background grid
– Allows to apply different (visual) color palettes (color schemes)
– Supports to load and export different maps (even from the same linkage group)
– Can save all properties in a common properties files
– Allows to set the graphs to be interactive
– Allows to export a plot to a text file
– Allows to export a plot to an image file
– Supports the historical mapping data sets

MapInspect Crack Torrent

MapInspect is an easy-to-use graphical program that displays genetic linkage maps and views “tension” within maps.
The program is written in Visual Basic for 32-bit Windows (version 5.0 or higher). It runs on both DOS and Windows operating systems.
MapInspect has many ways of working with maps: you can copy and paste parts of maps, drag maps to place them elsewhere, export and import maps between versions, load or save maps from file, and display maps using the “remap image”-option. New maps and marker positionns can be added with single clicks using the button “Add new position”.
Maps can be sorted and filtered and you can use the “button right” to add a new map.
MapInspect version 2.0: New: “remap image”-option to display maps in another directory than the mapdirectory.
New: “Add new map”-button on top of the map list.
New: “Add new marker”-button on top of the map list.
New: Additional user-options to set the displayed map window.
New: “Remove all marker”-button to clear all markers on a map without deleting the map.
New: “Color selected/selected markers”-option.
New: “Marker name” properties-option to display or hide the marker-name, the markercode and the label.
New: A new “Offset width” property for markers and a new “Offsetheight” for maps.
New: Markerpopup-dialog which pops up when clicking a marker on a map. New: “Set markertext” to hide/show the markertext on the marker.
New: User options to set the font type (Arial, Verdana, Fixedsys, Symbols, Times) and size (1–16).
New: View window without widget: Clicking a button at the bottom of the titlebar shows a zoomed-out view of the map.
New: “Triangle”-button on bottom-right of view window.
New: “Move”-box on bottom-right of view window.
New: “Move”-key on bottom-right of view window.
New: “Rotate”-key on bottom-right of view window.
New: “Zoom”-key on bottom-right of view window.
New: “Automate map”-menu with checkbox “Invert colors of lines” and ”


The MapInspect is a handy, easy to use application specially designed to help you with the display and comparison of genetic linkage maps, highlighting of (parts of) markernames and visualization of “tension” within linkage maps.
Main Features:
MapInspect allows to use 32 different colors within the ruler (by using ColorsMenu) and it also allows to automatically configure all maps in the map gallery by choosing the color of the rulers. MapInspect makes it possible to display the exact recombination value of each marker, to scale the map (zoom-in/out) by using the mouse wheel, to add markers to specific lines of the ruler (tick-marks) by using the mouse wheel, to add gaps (zero recombination) on specific lines of the ruler (tick-marks) by using the mouse wheel, to retrieve the list of markers/categories in a specific region of the map, to choose between fixed markers and regular markers, to choose between display of positions (per chromosome or per linkage group), to choose between display of recombination values and positions, to choose the option to show 3D graphical output, to choose between graphical display of markers per grid or by color, to choose between adding lines/arrows between markers/categories in map, to choose between configuring the map by marker positions (which one side is always on top, which one is right, etc.) and by recombination value, to choose between configuring the map by using start and end markers in terms of sequence of the included markers, to choose between configuring the map by using group names and by recombination value, to choose between configuring the map by using titles and by recombination value, to choose between mapping the markers by color or by symbols, to choose between displaying markers by names or by numbers, to choose between markers per chromosome or per linkage group, to choose between the capability to set markers names, to choose between using simple shape colors or shape with gradient, to choose between the capability to use transparent markers or not, to choose between hide gaps or not, to use multiple opening in the map (windows) and/or to choose between auto hide button and per window button, to choose between multiple-windows or single-windows and to automatically close all windows when entering a new window, to display markers by position (ordinal or random) or by name and to automatically refresh the display, to choose between displaying marker symbols or normal symbols, to choose between displaying markers by name (

What’s New In MapInspect?

MapInspect is a handy, easy to use application specially designed to help you with the display and comparison of genetic linkage maps. It allows you to view in a graphics window one or several maps with or without a markerlist, and to show the corresponding ID numbers, markers, and other information. You can also order a map by dragging and dropping it from one window to another.The graphic window has a zoom, pan, print, and full screen/exit functions, and can be used as a front-end to the more powerful MapInspectMapGenerator. MapInspect allows you to highlight parts of the map and export the resulting graphic as an image, or to combine two maps and compare them. It is useful for comparing maps used in studies where the data and/or results of the comparison are of interest. MapInspect allows you to view and compare different genetic maps of a same or different species and speciesgroup in one or several windows at once. It was initially designed to work with the MapInspectMapGenerator software. The software is free for non-commercial use. You will find it at

MapInspect 3.0 Description:
MapInspect 3.0 was developed to be a complete software for the comparison of genetic linkage maps that can be very helpful in finding similarities or differences between 2 or more maps from 2 or more species. The Software allows to compare all kind of maps and figures in a easy and fast way.
MapInspect 3.0 Description:
MapInspect 3.0 is a complete software for the comparison of genetic linkage maps that can be very helpful in finding similarities or differences between 2 or more maps from 2 or more species. The Software allows to compare all kind of maps and figures in a easy and fast way. The Software allows to compare all kind of maps and figures in a easy and fast way.

Genetic map comparison software Add social

Everyone knows that genetics is the glue that holds a family together. And it has been evident for many years, that sometimes parents not only share common ancestors, but have the same grandparents. But that is all well and good. Nowhere are these similarities more apparent than in the comparison of genetic maps. Genetic maps are an important tool for understanding the evolutionary forces that have been shaping the way that species live today. Because genetic maps are particular to each species, and because the genes that make up these maps have evolved to work together, when

System Requirements For MapInspect:

OS: Windows 7 or 8.1
AMD® Athlon™ X2 or later
Intel® Core™ i3, i5, i7, AMD® FX™, or AMD® Ryzen™ Processors
Nvidia® GeForce GTX 660 or AMD® Radeon HD 7700
Version 11
2GB available hard drive space
Additional Notes:

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