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Dismissed and Memorandum Opinion filed September 25, 2009.
In The
Fourteenth Court of
NO. 14-09-00796-CV
YONG SUN KIM, Appellee

On Appeal from the 165th
District Court
Harris County, Texas
Trial Court Cause No. 2009-60040

M E M O R A N D U M   O P I N I O N
This is an appeal from a judgment signed August 18, 2009.  On August
5, 2009, the parties filed a joint motion to dismiss the appeal.  See
Tex. R. App. P. 42.1.  The motion is granted.
Accordingly, the appeal is ordered dismissed.
Panel consists of Justices Keyes, Higley, and Sharp.

Image copyright AFP

Racism and prejudice have resurfaced following Saturday’s referendum, with opposition leader Alex Salmond accused of stirring up hate and fear.

But a pro-independence group said civil dialogue was needed to heal Scotland’s wounds.

Former first minister Jack McConnell said Alex Salmond was the biggest problem.

And, in a rare BBC interview, DUP leader Arlene Foster said the SNP were working against the best interests of Scotland.

In the wake of the vote to stay in the UK, anger has been widely displayed on social media and elsewhere in the Union flag-bedecked streets of Scotland.

Some people have had their Union Jack flags ripped from their windows, windows smeared with black paint and other targeting incidents recorded.

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Alex Salmond accuses Alex Salmond of ‘inciting fear and hatred’

In some instances, pro-union posters have been put up, or have been torn down.

Mr Salmond has accused Mr McConnell of failing to condemn the type of activities he says have been carried out and is unhappy with Mr McConnell’s support for the EU.

In a column in the Daily Record, the former first minister wrote: “Yesterday Mr McConnell was again pressed to condemn the ugly attacks

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. Share this post.[Construction of a long-term stable and highly efficient mammalian expression vector with partial intracellular AAV2 titer].
In recent years, adeno-associated virus vectors (AAV) have been extensively applied in gene therapy. Though an AAV vector with high titer and efficient infection has been prepared, the main problem remained is a low stability of vector in mammalian cells. In this study, we showed that partial AAV2 titer could be sustained for a long period with the help of an IP-10 promoter in the helper plasmid, and high titers in AAV vectors could be achieved by a combination of different helper plasmids. And the recombinant vector obtained by the low-titer- and high-titer-AAV-mediated gene transfer in human HeLa cell was highly efficient, even with low dosage. So, the stability of AAV vector could be significantly improved by combining the IP-10 promoter with different helper plasmid.==

The most common treatment options for PNs have been surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. However, the success of these treatments is limited by the progressive nature of PN and the toxicity that can accompany these treatments. We identified seven proteins that are differentially expressed in PNs, based on the stringent criteria of the SCF. Among them, four proteins, namely p120, p120ctn, LATS1, and LATS2, were functionally validated, and of these four, only p120ctn has been previously associated with PNs. Functional studies on human lymphatic endothelial cells show that knockdown of p120ctn does not cause any change in actin cytoskeleton organization or in cell motility. In the mouse, p120ctn was shown to be required for the intracellular trafficking of Notch1 and Notch3, and therefore, it may be expected to contribute to the development of PNs. We conclude that p120ctn is an essential component of PN that will provide new insights into the pathogenesis and progression of the disease.

We thank Dr. D. Grunert (Institute of Physiology, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland) for providing the Flag

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