Pisg Crack [32|64bit] [Latest] 2022







Pisg Crack + [Win/Mac] [2022-Latest]

pisg is basically an IRC Logfile Analysis Tool.
pisg will determine which commands and actions have taken place in a given IRC logfile.
It records what contacts were seen and what they said, and allows you to generate plots of various IRC-related information (such as popularity of commands, number of active users per month,…).
pisg can also extract, analyze, and analyze parts of an IRC logfile – such as room names, commands, users,…
As a result, it makes it possible to automatically analyze the IRC channel logs and produce all sorts of stats.
Most of the code has been tested with the following IRC clients:
· mIRC
· psybnc
· xChat
· irssi
· bx-irc
· dancer
· virc98
· winbot
· bxlog
· trillian
· 1/2
· Crux
pisg History:
The original version was written for mIRC in 2003. It used an ad-hoc algorithm to determine which commands were received in which contacts. It recorded the times and dates, and also generated some graphs of this information.
In 2004 I decided to make that program open source. I released it under the GPL. It is available at:
At the same time I also decided to use the line length problem to develop pisg2. It was first released as a open source/GPL program in 2004.
Since then, it was later updated to include support for more IRC clients. More information on the history of pisg2 can be found at
As of recently, the version 2.x has been renamed to pisg3 and the source has been almost completely rewritten. It is available as open source/GPL program.
pisg2 Description:
There are two versions of pisg:
· pisg2 – The classic version. It was written for mIRC 6 and earlier. It was also designed around the time it was released. It has less information and some features missing in newer clients.
· pisg3 – The current version. The version 2 source was rewritten completely. For example, the date/time support is now implemented in a more logical fashion – rather than using an ad-hoc algorithm to determine dates, and then using line length to determine

Pisg Crack Download (2022)

· pisg For Windows 10 Crack is a so called “logfile analyzer” – it takes an IRC logfile, analyzes it, and generates some statistics from it.
· It can filter, show lines based on specific channels, servers, hosts, user agents, etc.
· It can compute stats about lines. Example: line length, number of users, average length of message, numbers of joined/left servers/channels, etc.
· It can compute stats based on date/time the logfile was made. Example: how many lines from server ‘x’ were made on day ‘y’?
· It can compute stats based on the logfile’s format. Example: how many lines were in the first file? how many lines were in the last file? how many lines were in the middle files?
· It can compute the same stats on a subset of the logfile based on filters.
· It can compute the same stats on a subset of the logfile based on last-log-time.
· Stats on almost any other metric on the logfile are possible. Just tell the program what you want.
· Stats can be written to HTML or be saved as a collection of csv files.
· Stats can be saved as pgp signed files or in a private sub-folder in the remote file.
· Stats can be stored on the server or in the local dir.
· The program is highly configurable. The default settings are generic, they work.
· The program should not crash. Ever.
pisg Examples:
· #channel #nick nickname
· #channel #nick nickname #command
· #channel #nick nickname #time
· #channel #nick nickname #message
· #channel #nick nickname
· #channel #nick nickname#message
· #server #channel
· #server #nick
· #user #channel#channel
· #nick #date #time
· #nick #date #time
· #channel #server #channel
· #server #nick
· #user #channel#channel
· #user #nick
· #nick #date #time
· #nick #date #time
· #user #nick
· #channel #nick
· #channel #nick
· #channel #nick #message
· #channel #nick #message
· #nick#nick#nick#nick#message#message
· #nick#nick#nick#nick#

Pisg Product Key Full

A “Log File Analyzer” software.
pisg has been developed since 2003/2004 to build statistics about
irc channels, log files, etc.
It checks a text file and generates statistics. All statistical output is
listed in an HTML report and can be viewed on any web browser with a
internet connection.
Pisg is highly customizable to fit your own needs, but there are several
features to choose from:
· Auto-detect channel layout (ALL, DCC, etc…)
· Automatic detection of the “uptime” of an irc channel
· Automatic detection of if a logfile has only “new clients” or
“old clients”
· Automatic detection of if a logfile has inactivity or just normal
· Automatic detection of if a logfile contains only “K messages”, “R
messages”, “S messages”, etc.
· Automatic detection of the “D in K” ratio
· Automatic detection of the “PIP/PIC ratio”
· Automatic detection of the “T in K” ratio
· Automatic detection of the “W in PIC/PIP” ratio
· Average “Inactivity” ratio over a given period
· More information about each channel and logfile (numeric, binary,
text, etc.)
· Python support: a lot of people have python-scripts running on their
servers, so Pisg can also analyse their statistical results without
having to install anything.
A lot of statistics are provided by default, such as:
· Total/Last connection of each irc channel
· Total/Last connection of each logfile
· ‘Inactive’ time per channel
· ‘Total’ time per channel
· ‘Total’ time per logfile
· ‘Inactive’ time per logfile
· ‘Total’ time per ‘new client’ or ‘old client’
pisg FAQ:
· Can I use Pisg on an irc network with a lot of servers/channels?
· Isn’t it a security risk that a computer can randomly read through
an irc server’s logfiles and see “admin-ip:/administrators/do you like
· Is it allowed to save the HTML file on a website and post it on
· I have no experience with coding and I’m not very good at Python
(feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). Can

What’s New in the Pisg?

Pisg is a logfile analyzer that takes an IRC logfile and generates some cool stats from it.
How it works:
The input of pisg is an IRC logfile. It’s written as plain text and is separated by spaces. For example:
:xmessage: Trix_Trix on ChatServ.freenode.net 23:07:40
By default, pisg looks for ‘:’ in the message. That way you can give it a tag like ‘:dweeb’. This tag will be used as a prefix to a command to parse the message. If you enter another tag, the original prefix is still used for parsing.
Parsed command text:
A pisg parse is done in two steps: first, the message is split up by delims. The delims are:
· ‘
‘ – newline
· ‘\t’ – tab
· ‘\r’ – carriage return
The result of that is:
· ‘:dweeb’in the case of a tag with a text that cannot be split up by delims (e.g. ‘:~~asdf’)
· ‘:’ + tag name +” + text + ‘
‘ in the case of a tag with a text that can be split up by delims (e.g. ‘:jooney’)
With all this done, we’ve got a list of commands that are listed in a table.
The class of commands is chosen based on the regexp of the command. For this we use the ‘bittrex’ plugin for PHP, but you could probably make this a lot more flexible.
Some notes:
· pisg uses a PHP-Parsing framework called PEAR::PHP_CodeSniffer. This is the reason that pisg is not 100% reliable in all situations. You can disable this by commenting out a line in pisg.php.
· PEAR::PHP_CodeSniffer checks for syntax errors and for 100% valid PHP files and will throw an error if it finds anything weird in the logfile.
· If you use a very large logfile (>5Mb), be aware that PEAR::PHP_CodeSniffer is not reliable enough to look through such a large amount of text. You might get some warnings about invalid or


System Requirements:

i7 3.2GHz or above
8GB RAM or more
500GB Storage space or more
NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT or higher
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz or AMD Athlon X2 3.0GHz or above
Memory: 4GB RAM or more
Hard disk: 500GB HDD
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT or higher (1024MB+)(Windows only)
Input: Keyboard,


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