Portable FileTime Crack Download 🟡

This is the portable edition of FileTime, a simple-to-use tool that changes the date and time attributes of all files from a specified folder. It includes intuitive options that can be figured out by all types of users, regardless of their previous experience in such apps.
Portability advantages
Since there is no installation involved, you can drop the app to any part of the hard disk and just click the executable to run. Another possibility is to save FileTime to a USB flash disk or similar storage unit, in order to run it on any PC with minimum effort and no previous installers. Plus, the app does not modify Windows registry settings or create additional files on the disk, leaving it clean after removal.
Intuitive GUI and settings
The interface is represented by a simple window that shows all options available in the tool. It is possible to modify the creation, last modification and last access date and time. Since the changes are applicable to all files from a folder, you have to point out the directory via the tree view.
In addition, you can filter the files, include the subfolders, as well as apply the date and time modifications to the folders as well. All these changes can be committed with the click of a button. However, there is no option implemented for resetting settings to default.
Evaluation and conclusion
The program does not put a strain on PC performance, since it runs on low CPU and RAM. There were no issues in our tests, since it did not hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. All in all, FileTime delivers a simple solution when it comes to modifying the time and date attributes for files and folders in batch mode, and it can be used by anyone.







Portable FileTime Crack [32|64bit]

* The portable version does not have an installation process. It runs as an executable that can be copied to any part of the hard drive or USB flash drive to access it on any machine with no additional steps.
* Settings can be saved for future use and restored the way they were on another PC.
* All files are modified in a similar way. The tool can process multiple folders, including subfolders.
* No installation or registry modifications is required and thus it can be removed without leaving any traces.
* The interface is represented by a simple window that shows all the settings available in the tool.
How to Remove:
* The portable version does not have an installation process. It runs as an executable that can be copied to any part of the hard drive or USB flash drive to access it on any machine with no additional steps.
* Settings can be saved for future use and restored the way they were on another PC.
* All files are modified in a similar way. The tool can process multiple folders, including subfolders.
* No installation or registry modifications is required and thus it can be removed without leaving any traces.
* The interface is represented by a simple window that shows all the settings available in the tool.
* Once you have downloaded the program, just unzip it and double click on the app to run it.
* The program can be removed from the machine with a simple command in Command Prompt, or by dragging it to the Recycle Bin.
* To restore settings to default, open cmd as administrator, type the command “SET FILETIME.DLL=C:\path\to\filetime.dll, and then run the app with the corresponding command.
Special Features:
* You can apply the date and time modification settings to folders as well.
* Choosing a subfolder will remove all changes for other folders, so you won’t have to do this for each modification.
* There are two filtering options available. You can select files of a certain type and other files that don’t match a certain pattern.
* You can choose to filter by the creation, last modification and last access time.
* The names and paths of the files can be shown in the tree view so that it is easier to select them.
* The date and time can be changed with configurable intervals.
* The files can be marked as hidden and you can choose to have the tool ignore directories containing shortcuts, executables and read-only files.

Portable FileTime Crack + (Latest)

The Portable Version of FileTime!



File Size:

15.2 MB

My rating



It is easy to use.

It is intuitive.

In-place, no installers or registry changes.

Eases work on different PC’s without registry changes.


No option for resetting options to default.

No way to apply date changes to folders.

Unable to exclude subfolders.

Rating: 4.6/5

Download FileTime (Portable)

FileTime Portable

Provides complete control for changing creation, last modified and access dates and times for all files and folders from a folder.

FileTime Portable is a simple, intuitive tool that lets you modify the creation, last modified and access dates and times for all files and folders in batch mode. It is very easy to use and requires no installations or registry changes. What’s more, it has no speed issues or inconvenient UIs, since it performs fine even on low-powered PCs. FileTime Portable looks great, and the neat and user-friendly user interface will make you feel at home in no time. It is a very easy-to-use solution with an intuitive GUI and several features that make FileTime Portable a useful app that will not disappoint you.

The program allows you to change the creation, last modified and access times of all files and folders from a folder. The modified attributes appear in the date and time columns of the folder’s properties sheet. The user-friendly interface helps you to apply the changes in a batch mode, even if you have no previous experience in such applications.

There are several useful options that can be applied. First of all, you can filter the file list by name, size, type, creation date or last access date. Plus, you can also include the subfolders, as well as apply the date and time modifications to the folders as well. All these changes can be easily committed with a single click. However, there is no option available for resetting settings to the default ones.

FileTime Portable offers all the features that you need for creating, modifying and adjusting time and date attributes of files and folders. It lets you modify the modification, access and creation times in a batch mode. Besides, the program offers some additional features that will make your work much easier

Portable FileTime Crack+ Torrent (Activation Code) Free PC/Windows

There is a time and date stamped on each and every file and folder available on the local PC. Whether the files or folders are located on a removable storage media (disk, memory cards, USB, etc.) or in any directory, they can be referenced and edited. Thanks to a smart downloader, this app does not require previous installations or drivers. Once downloaded, it will be immediately accessible from the Menu or the Start-All programs area. Based on a simple and intuitive interface, the app lets you change the date and time of any file or folder, without the need of any prior knowledge. You can choose any of the embedded options available, or you can install a premium license. Once opened, it is recommended to click on the “Edit Settings” menu, in order to set all the available options. Features: – Set and reset date and time of files or folders directly from a directory tree. – Several settings available – Date creation (Original), Last modified and Last accessed. – Modified settings are applied to all files or folders from a directory tree. – Filter files and subfolders. – Possibility to save each file or folder settings to a USB drive, memory card or similar storage. – Customize date and time based on your desires. – Possibility to install a premium license, or obtain a free license for single file/folder.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding this app, feel free to contact us at [email protected]


From one of our users:

“This is a real time saver! Instead of writing code, I get to just operate on the text. Now, you think this is not free? You’re wrong! Almost any short text or line can be changed. I do my best to change the name to something cool. I also add random endings so it looks like I’m not editing the same input multiple times.”

From another user:

“If you want to change your date on a few files, this is the app for you. It only takes a minute to change the date on 50 files. Extremely fast, easy to use, and always free.”State grapples with opioid crisis, addiction treatment

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What’s New In?

FileTime is a simple-to-use application that helps to change the date and time attributes for all files and subfolders in a specified folder.

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Recover your files from a forgotten hard drive with the help of this amazing software.

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…the download folder (downloads\Mozilla, Mozilla\Mozilla.exe).
If the file is not in the download folder, the file will be uploaded to your download folder automatically.
In the case that the file can not be uploaded to your download folder and you want to choose another download folder, you can select the “Browse” button.
The program will…

…and the name of your choice from the list of available items. This way you can rearrange the contents of the folder and effectively manage them to your liking.
In addition, it is possible to move, cut and paste items using the move, copy, cut and paste operations respectively. All operations are performed at the…

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System Requirements For Portable FileTime:

Supported platform: Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Minimum system requirements for Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 7:
Processor: 2 GHz or faster x86 CPU (AMD Athlon X2, Core i5, Core 2, Core i3, Core 2 Duo, Core i7, Opteron, Phenom)
Memory: 1 GB (2 GB recommended)
Hard disk space: 100 MB (1 GB recommended)
NVIDIA GeForce 9400 or AMD Radeon HD


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