WordNetDT Free For Windows

WordNetDT- Freeware Dictionary/Thesaurus with advanced search features, including wildcard, regular expression, anagram, scrabble and sounds like. Complex relationship searches can be made from each available word type for any given search. Results are formatted and colour-coded; all searchable words hyperlinked in results.
WordnetDt’s scrabble search can be made from approximately 209,000 word approved scrabble words list complete with scores.







WordNetDT Free

“WordNet is an on-line lexical database and thesaurus maintained at Princeton University. It covers
English and many other languages. WordNet is a project of Princeton’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AIL), and is being
developed as an integrated suite of software tools for information retrieval, text mining, language processing and discourse analysis.”
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Tesseracting, also known as tesseracts or hyperdimensional geometry, is a hypothesized form of 3-dimensional geometry in which space and time are considered as being a single fundamental dimension, analogous to the concept of the fourth dimension in four-dimensional space and time (e.g. hyperspace).

The term tesseract is from the Greek word τέσσερα, meaning four, and χάρτης, meaning board or sheet, and alludes to a four-dimensional geometric figure consisting of a four-dimensional board or sheet (i.e., a hypercube or hypervolume) with the fourth dimension oriented in all possible ways.

The hypercube is formed by taking four 2-dimensional boards or sheets and aligning them (slicing them) perpendicular to the four main axes (as in the 3-dimensional case, each of these 2-dimensional boards is itself a hypercube in a 2-dimensional subspace, forming a 3-dimensional hyperspace), so that four volumes are formed.

In this process, for each possible orientation of the four 2-dimensional boards or sheets, a 3-dimensional hypercube will be formed. The four hypercubes will be stacked one on top of the other, forming a structure known as a tesseract.

Theoretically, a tesseract is impossible to visualize with our three-dimensional senses because there are four dimensions, each of which is strictly less than the number of dimensions the human mind is equipped with, which is three. The human mind is only equipped with three dimensions because it was evolved to store and process the information it gets from three sensory inputs: touch, vision and hearing.

Conceptually, a tesseract can be imagined as a single, extended third spatial dimension; and as such, has parallels with certain two-dimensional mathematical structures such

WordNetDT Crack + [Mac/Win]

WordNetDT Cracked Version is a standalone application for the Mac OS X operating system. It is based on the WordNet knowledge base system developed by Princeton University’s Cognitive Science Laboratory for the English language. It will identify and normalize lexical-semantic relationships within text.
Information can be obtained for any given word by scanning it and by entering a word into the search field of any word in WordNetDT Crack Free Download.

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WordNetDT Crack + (Latest)

WordNetDT is an open, standards-based, dictionary with thesaurus database. It can be used as an offline dictionary and as a web application with full text searching. It can be used by English speakers or by students of English ( or speakers of any language) as a reference tool and reference ( or study) tool. The thesaurus is highly flexible, allowing full-text cross referencing by synonym, antonymy, related words and sentence structure. The thesaurus index can be modified by adding new entry, deleting, splitting, merging, refining searches or customising search results according to the user’s preferences.
Key Features of WordNetDT:
WordNetDT works in any language for which the dictionary is provided.The dictionary can be installed on your local computer and it allows the user to add words to a local thesaurus, to build a thesaurus by collecting words from many (possibly all) dictionaries, to build a thesaurus from thesaurus databases, to link all words in a dictionary to any given phrase in the thesaurus.
It also allows the user to search for words in the database (i.e. Thesaurus, Dictionary) matching any given phrase.
WordNetDT also allows you to conduct regular expression searches, specifying different criteria, including synonyms, which are similar to thesaurus but not exactly the same. Words can also be ordered by their probabilities, which allow you to rank the possibility of a word (based on the co-occurrence of the word in different sentences in a given database) to be a synonym of other words.
The user is also able to filter the search results by the source (main, synonym, related, dictionary, single word, permuted), the existence or non-existence of words, and the level of certainty (i.e. word sense or lexical context).
Thesaurus quality is auto-computed and can be used to check your work and know your progress.
WordNetDT is fully standards-based and fully open source, and its source code can be used for copying, porting, extend, improving, translating, debugging and modifying freely.
WordNetDT is available as a stand-alone application, as a web application (WordnetDT WEB) and as an offline dictionary with a web application (WordnetDT FEM) for mobile devices such as PDAs, Pocket PCs, iPod and mobile phones.
WordNetDT is a

What’s New in the WordNetDT?

The New WordNet3 is in beta testing. This 5th revision of WordNet is a dictionary of English, and part of the Free Dictionary Project. The WordNet Project began in 1990 when Paul Robertson began to develop a free dictionary containing a manually derived structure of the English language. The purpose of this dictionary is to connect words in a way that makes sense to a human. Robertson organized the initial dictionary by dividing it into different parts:
Part 0 is devoted to classifying words into a list of supercategories. This is the dictionary format that is most familiar to us.
Part 1 is a list of synonyms. For example, “thirsty” is a synonym of “thirst”.
Part 2 is a list of antonyms. A vase is the antithesis of a pot.
Part 3 is a list of hyponyms. A vase is a hyponym of a pot.
Part 4 is a list of hypernyms. A vase is a hypernym of a pot.
Part 5 is a list of hypantonyms. The same as hyponyms, but the relationship is reversed, so that, hypothetically, a vase is also a hypantonym of a pot.
An extension to this format is that all antonyms and antonyms are hyponyms of the same supercategory; for example, a vase is a hyponym of a pot, and also a hyponym of a flower pot.
A second extension is that all hyponyms are subcategories of the same supercategory; for example, a flower pot is a hyponym of a vase, which is also a hyponym of a plant.
In the new version, we have unified all of these levels of categorization, so that there is no more need for the fourth level of hyponyms.
The WordNetThesaurus is designed with the same goal as the dictionary in mind: to connect words in ways that make sense to human beings. A thesaurus organizes the relationships between words to make it easy to relate them. For example, the word “beautiful” might be preceded by words like “appearance”, “appearance of,” “appearance of the,” etc., and then by the phrase “to look like” in the plural. The relationship we are trying to establish is that between “beautiful” and “appearance.”
Before the WordNet, dictionaries included one-way relationships; the definition of “beautiful” might


System Requirements:

5.1 64bit DirectX and OpenGL Hardware and Software
Intel Core2 Quad Q9400 or AMD Phenom X4 9600 (only if using Windows Vista)
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or ATI HD 2600 Pro
2 GB Video RAM
2 GB Dedicated Video RAM (For best results when using the dedicated texture memory on the GPU)
12 GB (6 GB + 6 GB) of free disk space
Windows Vista with the latest DirectX (Vista SP1) and the latest OpenGL version (Vista SP1, Windows XP


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